myTI account

Account login


To reduce the number of screens when you log in, please input your AID/XID in the Email Address field on the login screen and click the "Remember Me" box the next time you log in.
The my.TI and TI-pass login pages are shared by TI partners (suppliers, distributors, customers, sales reps) and TI employees. The ID field for logging into this system indicates "Email Address". This is correct for our partners. However, TIers and contractors should use their AID or XID to login.
Market research indicates that including any text on the login page that is specific to TIers would be distracting to our 100s of thousands of partners and customers. For that reason, the login page does not indicate "Email Address or AID/XID".
Thank you for your understanding, as we all need to do what it takes to put our customers first.